About Us

The India Evangelistic Crusade (IEC) is a non profit religious Social organization registered under the West Bengal Government Societies Act of 1961. Her area of activities are spread across the Northern industrial Suburbs of Kolkata, Darjeeling District, Kalimpong District, Jalpaiguri District of West Bengal, the states of Sikkim, Assam, and Jharkhand.
The India Evangelistic Crusade was founded by Late Rev. Nalini Kumar Dutt in the year 1950. The establishment under this appellation seeks to fulfil the aims and objectives contained within it’s Memorandum of Association. The work of the organisation is concentrated within the boundaries of her motherland, India.
From the year 1953 till the year 2008 Late David and his wife Late Edna Dutt laboured to enlarge the India Evangelistic Crusade.
The organisation functions under the administrative nurture of President, Dilip Dutt, Secretary, Arpona Ahmed, Treasurer, Mrs. Sharmila Dutt, and her Council of Promoters.
IEC is entrusted with a divine compulsion to spread the love of God through educating children of underprivileged destitute families, irrespective of caste, creed and religion, living in the above-mentioned areas, whereby they are opportune to step out of the bondages of poverty, and illiteracy. This is being carried out through Schools and Day Care Centres, Village Development Projects on a primary level.
Since her inception IEC has also been opportuned to serve thousands of destitute orphans and semi-orphans (either of the parents surviving in extreme poverty-stricken condition unable to provide nourishing food and education to their children) through Homes and Orphanages. The effort has embraced many other underprivileged children to find educational opportunities in Hostel arrangements whereby they are able to avail of career-oriented future.
IEC also helps provide stipend aid to children who are in schools and are living with their parents. The CHILD (Children’s Help in India for Livelihood and Development) is providing such opportunities to destitute families by sharing in the cost of their children’s education.
Since many years IEC through HAND (Help for the Aged Disabled and Neglected) has helped many senior ones of our country in making it through their last journeys of old age that are laced with physical frailties and frequent ailments. Through help provided to them by the IEC, medical costs, surgeries, treatments have been aided. They have found a sense of dignity in this manner of help grant provided to them.
As a Christian organization IEC has Christian Priests who are known as Pastors in the Protestant circle, who are natural social workers inspired by the Church to serve the poor and needy through the above references. They are also providing godly counsel to the people in distress affected by several ailments, natural disasters and calamities so frequently visiting these areas. They engage in prayers and fasting and bringing uplifting messages of peace to the distressed. They are able to do these as because most of the Pastors and Social Workers are living in the midst of such disasters themselves. The contextual relativity is very strong due to this. As an organization we are encumbered with the burden of providing them with a very minimal monthly grant appreciation purely with the intention of bringing them encouragement and continued inspiration and recognition.
IEC has always been hugely involved in Relief work. Recently she has played a meaningful part in serving the flood affected people of Sunderbans marooned due to Amphan Cyclone. She has also been helping those affected by COVID 19 government implemented lockdowns. Many who are street and pavement dwellers, and several living under flyovers and under-bridge embankments. IEC has always reached to earthquake affected distressed people in rehabilitation programs run by Church Pastors and Social Workers.
Listed below are the highlights of the activities of the IEC (India Evangelistic Crusade)
- Schools, Day Care centres and Village Development Projects
- Orphanage Home & Hostel
- CHILD – Children’s Help in India for Livelihood and Development (Stipend and Scholarship, One time help for books, admission fees, medical etc.)
- HAND – Help for the Aged, Disabled and Neglected (Monthly support and for medical)
- Pastors and Social Workers
- Relief work - Floods, Earthquakes, COVID.
As the President of the organisation I would here take this opportunity to thank all our well wishers, donors and prayer supporters for their ceaseless sacrifice to provide us ample opportunities to serve the needy people of our country.